Támesis, Colombia

An Expat Living in Colombia: Twists and Turns

As I get off the bus, a man asks me where I am going. I have gotten off at a juncture that most foreigners usually do not. However, I missed the 7 am Chiva to my intended destination, partly by choice and partly because my alarm did not go off. I also heard that the chiva was uncomfortable on these roads in Colombia.

Chiva Colombia
Chiva in Colombia
I rarely wake up early for something, especially if I know there is most likely another option.

However, no one told me the option, and I had to hope I did not have to return to Medellín a three-hour ride just to take another 3-hour ride only a bit south.

I did not. As I disembarked, the man wanted to take me to a stop up the road and told me it was more secure. He alluded that this location (Puente Iglesias) might not be the safest for me, a ¨gringa¨.

Puente Iglesias, Colombia
Puente Iglesias, Colombia

I declined and asked around when the Támesis bus would pass by. They all said the bus would pass, but no one had any idea at what time. Támesis is a small town in Colombia with very few foreign visitors. However, I wanted to explore and see what Támesis, Colombia, had to offer.

As I walked by a table full of men drinking beers, I noticed campesinos enjoying their Sundays off. I went into the tienda, bought a Bretaña Soda, and sat at one of the tables. I placed it in my earbuds and continued listening to my book. If anyone I asked what time the bus was correct, it would arrive within 1–2 hours. I was prepared, the phone fully charged, and a table in the shade.

Shade is always a hot commodity, especially on Colombia’s humid, hot summer days.

The Bus to Támesis Arrives

It did not take 1–2 hours. Within 15 minutes, I was rushing to the bus, asking if it was going to Támesis, and it was. I got on and sat in the back. Shortly after, I regretted my decision as the twists and turns of these mountains would make even the strongest stomachs sour. Luckily, I still had my soda, which I finished on the ride, and survived the turns.

The road was semi-paved, and some parts were only dirt, leaving me to close my windows or be covered in dust, which did not help the heat or my stomach. I focused on my book, and eventually, the pavement returned, and I opened the window.

Antioquia is Magic

The mountains of Antioquia, Colombia, are enchanting, even magical. Even the signs say Antioquia is Magic, and it is. When the bus stopped, I had to walk uphill and up a flight of stairs with my backpack to my hotel, Jaibana Spa.

Támesis, Colombia
Streets in Támesis, Colombia

Yet the view is magical, with the mountains in the distance and the sound of the river from my balcony. Now that it is later, the sun’s heat has gone away, and it is the perfect temperature, just enough for a light jacket, perfect for exploring Támesis.

Támesis, Colombia
Támesis, Colombia

Támesis is full of locals enjoying their Sundays, sitting in the parque principal with their friends and families. The men in the local bars played billiards and, of course, loud music playing. The tuk-tuk men are waiting for a customer to need a ride; they all sit on the sidewalk outside their vehicles.

The lush green of the mountains is all around this tiny off-the-beaten-path town. I want to continue south in a few days, hoping my luck with transportation continues. I will exit the region of Antioquia and head south to Caldas.

Bus schedule Támesis, colombia

Hoping to avoid going back to the city to change buses, yet I think I can figure out how to get where I want without going back. There are always motor taxis around, and my thumb works.

The mountains are magical: Támesis.

I have about ten days left on my tourist visa and await my extension to be approved; otherwise, I will have to exit Colombia for a visa run. I can then return for another 90 days or apply for a Digital Nomad Visa, yet I am still determining.

Támesis, Colombia

Living life abroad

My life is one of uncertainty until I am sure. I had a small bump in the road; I was thrown off course, and course correcting will take time. There is no perfect place, but Colombia definitely has a lot to discover.

Living and choosing to live in a country that is not my home always comes with ups and downs. There are days that I question why I decided to move abroad and choose a life that some might consider complicated.

There are days when I want to pack it all in and other days when I wonder how I lived the conventional 9-5 for so long. Then there are the days I realize starting over might come with challenges, but I would never choose another way.

Recommended Hotel

Jaibana Spa

It is located across a small river that you can listen to while sleeping. Breakfast and dinner were also included in the rate of my room. There were only a few other travelers, and if you are looking for a secluded, quiet vacation, I recommend staying here. It was perfect for a short weekend to eat, rest, and visit Támsis.

I will cover a more in-depth post about what to do in Támesis in the next few days.

Exploring Támesis, Colombia

As I continue to build this site, it will be full of more Colombia content, living, hiking, and exploring.



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