5 Things I Want to Help My Audience With
Seven years ago, I quit my job as an ICU nurse.
Before I quit my job, I tried travel nursing, thinking this would cure my travel bug. Instead, it led me to California, where I lived for 15 years because money took hold of me. Along with cash came sadness, misery, and living a life I didn’t want.

I wanted more.
I began researching my options and talking about living a ¨crazy¨ life; well, to me, it seemed normal, but I was deemed crazy for even thinking I could do more with my life.
I instantly began looking online for others who quit their job to travel the world. I found a handful, but no one I could connect with. Except for one, and she was a nurse. However, she only lasted in the nursing field for a year and decided to quit and move to India.
I obsessed over her blog, except she was younger, had no debt, and had writing talent. She inspired me that it could be done; even we nurses could quit our jobs and travel the world and see what happens.
You never know what life has in store for you, so live now.
At this point, seven years ago, I was in the middle of my nursing career, married and divorced, and debating whether or not to go back to get my master’s or pursue my passion. I would have told you I had no idea if you had asked about my passion.
All I knew was that what I was doing was depressing, and I was more depressed than I realized. I was living a life that someone else wanted of me, and others deemed successful. I knew I wanted to be a writer and always dreamed of writing a book or starting a blog.

What was success to me?
I began thinking about what type of career would speak to me and what I could do. At this time, I was limited and stuck in my way, and the only way to explain to others what I felt was to leap into the unknown.
Is there more out there?
Or was it only for the rich kids, young kids who had the luxury of even taking a gap year? I had bills, student loans, and a mountain of debt from trying to ¨live the American dream¨.
Then, one day, I could not take it anymore. I researched what I could, saved enough money to last at least one year on the road, and got a remote job.
All I knew was that if I didn’t pursue my dream, I would slowly wither away into someone I did not recognize. Instead, I jumped.
There had to be a way; I would figure it out as I went along. I decided to stop overthinking and become an engaging participant in my life—the driver instead of the passenger.
But was I too old?
Seven years ago, I was already creeping up on 40, and now I am in my mid-40s and often feel significantly underrepresented online. How can we middle-aged, single women still live a life without regret?
So, I decided to live without regret. I want to show you that it is possible to live at any age.
My patients inspired me to quit. I began asking them what they regretted about their lives, and the answers surprised me.
A life without regret
This blog will be dedicated to helping you do the same and representing those of us who want to live a life without regret; even if we are in our 40s, it is never too late to live the life you want.
I have now moved to Colombia and called it home, and I want to guide you to quitting your job and living the life you want. I want to show you that it does not cost as much as you think to travel the world or move abroad.

The 5 things I want to help my audience with.
1. I want to help make your transition moving abroad painless.
Whether you are moving abroad or taking a solo vacation, I want to help guide you and let you know it is never too late. Any change in life is scary, but it does not have to be. I plan on creating guides to make the process seamless and inspire you to live the life you always wanted.
2. I want to inspire you to leave a toxic job and take a career break at any age.
I became a nurse because I was too scared to pursue a career in what I wanted: to be a detective or, possibly, a criminal defense lawyer. I thought I was too dumb and would never succeed. Instead, I chose to nurse because I liked biology.
To be clear, I was not too fond of nursing. The best part of my job was my patients, and they eventually helped me realize that I did not want to live a life of regret.
However, in the back of my mind, I have always enjoyed writing, but who could make a career out of being a writer? So now, many years later, I am taking my advice. However, I began my writing career over three years ago, and you can read more about that on Medium, Newsbreak, and my Substack Newsletter.
3. I want to help you make money while living abroad without stressing about returning home to make money.
I am an entrepreneur, and let me tell you, there are days I want to give up; it is stressful. I think of how much easier it would be to return to the hospital and settle into a comfortable life.
It would also lead me back down the road of drowning my sorrows in a bottle of vodka. So I push on, knowing that anything worth it is hard. Living abroad also has challenges, which I hope to alleviate if this is your dream.
My family thought I was crazy when I told them I was moving to Colombia after traveling the world.
4. I want to help you tell your story through words.
While traveling, I realized that one of my dreams was to start writing, something I always felt I was never good at or good enough at. Could I really start over and create a new career out of thin air? So, I started.
We all have a story to tell, and telling yours could change your life, just like it has mine. Unfortunately, most writers do not tell stories anymore because, honestly, the algorithm does not reward storytelling.
I will have a healthy balance of guides, listicles, and stories on this site because getting to know someone through a story is much nicer than a what-to or how-to-do post. Yet, there must be a balance to make money online through writing.
5. This will help you realize that travel is not expensive and that you can do it for less than you think.
The biggest lie in the travel world is that it is expensive. I am here to tell you it is not. In a future post, I will cover ways to travel on a budget for free and how to find work along the way. It really is easier than you can imagine.
That it is never too late to start over.
Some of you may be thinking, ¨I can’t ¨. I am here to tell you that you can. Anything you want, you can have, and it is possible.
Thank you for reading, and I hope to help you take the leap into the unknown, pursue your passion, start a writing career online, or move to Colombia or abroad.
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