Can You Drink Tap Water In Colombia? What You Need To Know
Can you drink the tap water in Colombia? I got asked this question, and I asked it myself. So, I decided to get the answer today.
First, I will tell you that in most places here in Colombia, you can drink tap water; there are only a few places where you are advised not to drink. Okay, I drink tap water. I will provide information, and you can make the decision to drink or not drink!
It is safe to drink in Medellín Bogotá, and some smaller towns, such as Jericó and Jardín.
If you are going off the beaten path to a more rural area, the locals may advise you to drink bottled water, or you can boil the water. In San Carlos (where I lived for a year), you can drink water from the tap in the town center. As soon as you are in the rural area or countryside, it is not advised to drink the water.
Once you are up in the mountains where we live, you boil it before you consume it. That said, I do drink from the tap and have never gotten sick. I asked the locals, and they said it is safe to drink; my boyfriend does not drink it from the tap.
My recommendation is to ask the locals: ¿Puedo beber el agua?
Most of the time, they will tell you the best answer, and I have been told not to drink the water, and the locals will say most foreigners get sick, so don’t drink it.
Then I will buy bottled water. If they say yes, other foreigners drink it, which is usually fine. Most of the locals I ask are at the hostels and in the tourism business, so they will give you the best answer.
Now, let’s talk about the most critical part.
Where can I NOT drink the water?
The coast. It includes cities such as Santa Marta, Cartagena, Palomino, Minca, and any town on the beach.
I have read conflicting information online regarding Cartagena. Some sources say it is ok to drink the water; however, my boyfriend and his friend agree they would not drink the tap water there. Also, I got sick once from drinking water on the coast, so I would not drink it anywhere along the coast.
I always like to share a local point of view. In my case, it is my boyfriend, as he is from Colombia. First, I must add a caveat: I am a bit more of a risk-taker than my boyfriend. I ask about the water and usually drink it if they tell me locals do.
I understand most people are like my boyfriend. So when I asked him about drinking water, he sent me the official rules, as I would expect no less from him.
Because honestly, a lot of what I looked up had conflicting answers. I would instead provide you with the official information, which is as follows:
And as always, I like to provide my opinion, his opinion, and the official’s opinions!
Do not drink water from these regions. The levels of the quality of Water. This one is a DO NOT DRINK!

I would not drink this second one, either. It states that Water is unsuitable for human consumption and that it is the responsibility of the entity providing the service.

The next level is a lower risk and states that water is not fit for human consumption but capable of improvement.
If you get sick easily, do not drink, but it is at your own risk.
Yet with this warning, you will see almost everyone in Bogotá drinking tap water. They most likely have the microbes built up in their stomach, and I also drank the tap water in Bogotá without issues.

The next level is drinkable.

So when you know which area you are visiting, you have a guide to refer to. If you are in a hotel or hostel and the water is not drinkable, they will provide filtered water.
This list does not cover every city or town in Colombia. As stated above, ask if you can drink the water; I have never been led astray!
So do not forget your water bottle, with or without a filter, and enjoy!